The CROWN Act bans race-based hair discrimination. But some states are finding loopholes in the law.

Darryl George in September outside Barbers Hill High School in Texas.

(Michael Wyke/AP)

YAHOO! News December 13, 2023 -- Darryl George, a Black student at Barbers Hill High School in Texas, finds himself at the center of a controversy highlighting the challenges of enforcing the CROWN Act, which aims to stop race-based hair discrimination. William Sherman, the lawyer instrumental in crafting the CROWN Act's strategy, points out the selective enforcement of dress codes, emphasizing that George's treatment reflects deeper issues of racial discrimination rather than mere policy violation. Sherman argues that such cases underscore the need for rigorous application of the CROWN Act to protect individuals wearing culturally significant hairstyles. His insights shed light on the legal battles and societal changes necessary to ensure true equality. Read the full story on Yahoo for more in-depth coverage.


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